Monday, July 7, 2014

Monday, July 7

When I was younger, turning away from Independence Day meant the summer was mostly over. In this short summer, July 4 marked the mid point of the summer's beginning. Today, July 7, also marked the first weekday, it seems, since Sherry has left.

So far, flying solo hasn't been too hard. But that's because I've had some great help, namely:

friends who spelled me for a few hours today during a birthday party to which my son was invited. Also, friends have seen to it that I have yet to prepare a dinner at home for the kids. We've been guests every evening at some house since Sherry's departure.

coincidental timing that brought my neighbor's granddaughter down this way just in time for Sherry's departure . . . a granddaughter who is a great babysitter.

not having to report for work at all while my wife is gone.

family who is close enough by to lend assistance and provide diversions. My mom, for instance, came by for breakfast today.

Not that it's all a bed of roses. I did make the kids slave away in a hot minivan to clean it out. And it surprisingly looks better.

Sam might have had the best day of his summer so far. He spent two hours at a birthday party featuring the Game Truck. Then a few more at the home of some friends. When he returned, all he could do was sit and pet the cat.

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