Sunday, August 16, 2015

Finally, I finished a project

I hatched a scheme back while Sherry was in Australia to make the one wall in our living room a display wall of some of my favorite photos of the family. Today, I finally got them all up.

Progress on this became herky-jerky after printing the photos. Finding the right number of frames for the somewhat random dimensions of the photos was tricky. Originally my idea was to finish this as a surprise for Sherry before her July 4 return to the States. I guess I wasn't even close on that one. However, a cool benefit to waiting was getting her help. Sherry and I spent some time last week sorting the photos on our dining room table, trying to mimic the positions they'd take on the wall. She also had some good ideas about matting some of the photographs. In many ways it hit her scrapbooking acumen.

There are some other thank-you's I need to acknowledge:

  • Our friend Becky supplied critical advice as to how to arrange them and how to affix them (psst: 3M Command). 
  • Our friend Ken who was happened to be the photographer of several of the photos. 
  • Wal-Mart for offering a ridiculously good deal on simple frames. 
  • Caroline for not losing it that the only LARGE photograph is of Sam. There's some serious grounds for jealousy. Unfortunately, attempts to blow a photograph featuring her up to those dimensions ran into pixelation problems. This is art, not Wreck-It Ralph. She's handling this with dignity and grace. Either that or she didn't notice. 

The idea is for this project to be organic. At some point (perhaps you'll see it here on this blog first) I'll cull some photos from this summer to add. There's room. Especially room to cover that spot to the bottom left that was marred by a furniture mishap.

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