This really has been one of the stranger starts to the summer. My school year ran late, not as late as last year, but late enough to create another staggered start to the season. I finished my year on June 22; Sam and Caroline finished theirs on June 12. But their camp ended on June 26. And today, the first day without school or work or camp I was away . . . on business related to work. Go figure.
Perhaps I can look at this summer the way I looked at last summer: as a long season broken up into several short seasons.
So, here's a preview:
Summer Session A: June 15-June 22
This was our transitional phase, characterized by me finishing one school year and the kids having a two-week experience at camp. Their
camp, held at place that was their preschool, was a pleasant surprise for the kids, or at least for the older kid. Sam expressed some reservations about going to camp, anxiety mostly about what he perceived as strict rules that he had to endure. Turns out he was quite happy there. He really bonded with the teachers. Also, it would seem that the camp's decision to break kids into a junior and senior division went over well with him.
One of our summer excursions also happened during this first session: an all-day trip to Scranton where we took in Steamtown, a coal mine, and a Krispy Kreme. Interestingly, it felt like a field trip, fitting the whole transition-from-school-year theme. At some point, I swear, I'll get around to a report on that trip.
The interlude also gave me a chance to visit Temple University with my nephew and assist my brother in moving to Chester County.
It's a shame Stephen and I didn't think of taking a selfie while on campus.
Summer Session B: June 29-July 10
Ah, this will feel real. I think. We welcome Sherry back on the Fourth! We celebrate our nation's birth on the Fourth!
Just think: The 150th is only two years away. Sadly, I won't be home on Canada Day proper. Must celebrate at 10:30 pm EDT on June 30. |
But there will be a lot of fun stuff going on this first week. We're doing the first camping trip of the year, to Rickett's Glen. In addition to welcoming Sherry home we also get to see some family at Sherry's parents' home (while her folks get to visit Alaska).
Summer Session C: July 13-July 24
This will be normal.
Summer Session D: July 27-August 7
Vacation season.
Not nearly as epic as RoadTrip 2014. |
Summer Session E: August 10-August 21
This is when we'll swear that we're enjoying it and not thinking at all about September but . . .
Summer Session F: August 24-September 4
And it will be interrupted by more serious matters.
Before CBSD gets too uppity about how fancy their calendar looks next to NPSD's austere one, each calendar says the same basic thing: kids ain't going to be happy about returning to school before Labor Day. |
I'm looking forward to my first day at home with Sam and Caroline in summer 2015.